Wednesday, February 21, 2007



These are the three fabrics I originally selected to make first quilt. But, since the scrap went so well, you know the rest of the story. I can't wait to start the second with the above fabric eventhough I haven't finished the first one.

Here is something to give you an idea of what my current project will look like when it's complete.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Quilt In Progress

E's: This is the quilt top that I'm working on. It's only partially completed in this photo. I went with the rail fence block because it's pretty quick to piece together. It was hard trying to get all the pieces to fit together but once i started sewing the panels together they pretty much fit. Because the fabric pattern is busy you can't see errors that I made in allignment. I'm currently working on adding more pieces. After that I'm ready to add borders.

Project Quilt

M's: So I'm continuing on with those triangles and have actually sewn them together. I plan to make at least 20 more triangles to make a large graphic image. During during last night's class, which was a blast, I selected the fabric that will make the borders I will be adding. First the finer, inner border in grass green and the broader border in the flower pattern.

I almost wished I practiced on the cloth I bought originally for this quilt. Yummy colors. Doh - I had to go and use scrap fabric and muslin. But, I actually like where it's going. You should see what E's working on - the colors are fantastic.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Blue Box

E's: I made this box a while ago from Amy Butler's "In Stitches" book. I left off the handles from the original design because I didn't like the enough to warrant the extra work. This is the first time I worked with Timtex and it was really hard to work with. I also didn't measure everything properly so the finishing stitching is off because all the pieces were not aligning properly. Although not perfect, it still stores my junk!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Getting ready for spring

E's: I just can't help myself. I love bags! They are so easy to make! I had the colorful pattern fabric for a while and wasn't sure what I could make with it. Then I was inspired by Where's my Scissors bags. So I paired it with a solid color. I love it. I'm taking it on my trip to Italy. I can use it when we do some sightseeing around town during the off days from skiing.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Machine Quilting Class: Practicing Triangles


We are taking a quilting class this month. The drive behind this, for me at least, is to learn basic sewing/cutting techniques to apply to all projects. I'm thoroughly enjoying the class. This week we learned how to make triangles. And these are my test pieces which turned out better than expecterd. Rather nice even. Last week my homework was terrible. Measurements were way off. This week my 3 1/2" square (double triangles) are just that. Precise! I think I'm getting my $s worth!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mail Board with Pockets


This thing made me crazy. I'm not into precision and this really tried my patience. Clearly it is not perfect, but I do like the color combinations here.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Kitchen Wall Pocket

E's: Those wall pockets are so handy, I decided to make another one for my kitchen. I never had a place to put my pad and pencil for grocery list and now I do!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ready for Italy

E's: I finished the scarf and I'm ready for my trip. It's really colorful and happy. Perfect scarf for a vacation.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Pin Cushion

E's: I made myself a new pin cushion with scraps of fabric from other projects. My old one was starting to fall apart and it just wasn't so nice.