Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mission Completed!

E's: I was working on this quilt for way over a year. I finally finished it about 2 months ago. It's been put to use as an extra blanket on our couch. I'm thinking of making another one but this time I will follow a pattern from a book to make things less painful for myself.

X-mas Wishes

E's: Well, I had great plans of making lots of felt ornaments for my X-mas tree. I failed and only ended up making two before X-mas came. Got to plan better next year.

Grocery bag

E's: I made this bag back in the fall of 2008. It's from Purl Bee's Apple Picking Tote . It's great for going shopping for groceries or just carrying loads of stuff. I had the chicken fabric forever and could not think of what to do with it. It made perfect handles for this bag.